I will help you get STRONGER, HEALTHIER, SANER,

and more open to FUN and ADVENTURE 

Train to achieve the best

  • Female Fat Loss

    Fat loss can often be an emotive topic. With the myriad of celebrity diets and latest exercise fads continually plaguing the media, is it any wonder why so many women are failing to achieve their fat loss and body transformation goals?

    If you are looking for a fat loss programme that will cut through all the misinformation and provide you with exactly what YOU need to attain results, then let our team of world-class personal trainers show you exactly how to achieve the body of your dreams.

  • Strong women

    Finally, fitness is in fashion. Heroin Chic is out, and we are now starting to celebrate a strong, athletic and healthy female body image. At Supreme Fitness te we educate our female personal training clients on how intelligent weight training protocols are not just the answer to superior, long-term fat loss results, but more importantly a firmer and shapelier figure.

    Our female clients invariably find the achievement of enhanced strength almost as rewarding as the physical changes that ensue. Whilst toned arms, firm glutes and a slender waist can often lead to a feeling of euphoria, the empowerment a strong and healthy body provides is yet another fantastic reason to enroll on our 12 week female fat loss programme.

Book your non-obligatory consultation now

  • Injury Rehabilitation

    Supremeufitness se exercise to help patients improve movement, flexibility and strength to reduce pain in both the short and long term. We are trained to ensure every client receives the right exercise program and they will support you to learn and carry out the program to make sure you get the most from your treatment.

  • Menopause Coaching

    In-depth coaching for improved body image and quality of life in menopause. Make friends with your body, explore new ways to move your body, and do more of what you love! Includes weekly coaching sessions with Jo who is passionate about female health.

Book your non-obligatory consultation now